Prison Island World Cup Rules 2024

Who can compete?

  • The Prison Island World Cup is open for anyone except:
    • If you are under 15 years old
    • If you are a current Prison Island employee or owner of a Prison Island site or a close relative to an employee or an owner

Where can I compete?

  • You can compete at any Prison Island site that has joined the Prison Island World Cup events. Check first with your local Prison Island site if it is part of the organization.
  • Each site that has joined the Prison island World Cup will have it’s own rules and structure for the local competition.
  • The best team(s) from each site will be qualified for Country Finals

Ruling and referees

  • The local Prison Island staff at the site during each competition has the full and final right of decision in the competition.
  • If there are any complaints those should be directed to the Prison Island staff that will review and make a final decision. This decision can not be overruled.


  • All competition is done in teams of exactly 3 persons.
    • Individual competition, 2 person-teams or more than 3 are not allowed.
  • If an individual is injured or not can continue during the actual competition, the other two team members are allowed to continue, but no reserve person is allowed to replace the missing team member in that specific competition.
  • An individual is not allowed to participate in more than one team.
  • It’s allowed to replace one team member at one time during all the competitive events. It has to be done between two competitive events. However, more than one person cannot be replaced.
  • Minimum age for participation is 15 years old.
    A team can be mixed in gender and age in any way preferred.
  • There is no separation in different classes based on age or gender. All teams compete against each other.
  • Participants in a team do not have to be nationals of the country where they compete. An individual can compete in any country they prefer.
  • Teams and individuals are allowed to compete at any local Prison Island in the world they want.
  • If a team is qualified to Country Finals from more than one Local Prison Island it has to choose one and withdraw from the other(s).
  • Prison Island can reject inappropriate team names. The team can suggest a new one in such cases.

How to participate

Check with your local Prison Island site where you want to compete and register locally for the event. They will also provide further information on how to qualify for Country Finals and further levels.

There is no fee to register or participate other than the normal local admission fee at the local site.

Each local Prison Island site will advertise the local rules and available time slots for how to compete and qualify.

General Game Structure

The Prison Island World Cup is performed in 3 levels:

LOCAL TRY-OUTS: Qualification games on each local site that will be locally decided.

COUNTRY FINAL: Country finals and qualification for world finals in each country.

WORLD FINAL: The grand final.


    • The Local Try-outs rules and date/time for competition are decided at each local site. They will vary between the sites and can differ in many ways. Please check with your local site how to compete and qualify for further steps in the competition.
    • The best teams from all the try-out competitions at the local sites are qualified to the COUNTRY FINALS.


    • The best teams from the Local Try-outs are invited to participate in the Country Final where the best teams in the country are nominated and awarded.
    • There is no admission fee for the Country Final.
    • If an invited team from a local site, does not want to participate in the Final, the second best in order will be invited. If that team is not coming either, the next in order will be invited, etc.
    • The Country Final takes place at one Prison Island site in the Country on a specific time and date.
    • Since France have more than 30 Prison Island sites, there will be two parallel Country Finals (France South and France North). However, a team is only allowed to participate in one of these finals.
    • The specific date, time and site for the Country Final can vary between the years.
    • The number of teams qualified from a local site and the rules for nomination to Country Final is different in different countries and can vary between the years. (See the specific competition details for each year)


    • The two best teams from each Country Final are qualified to the World Final.
    • France will have two separate Country Finals and thus 4 teams will be qualified to the World Final.
    • The winning team from 2023 is directly qualified to the World Final.
    • There is no admission fee for the World Final.
    • If an invited team does not want to participate in the Final, the second best in order will be invited. If that team is not coming either, the next in order will be invited, etc.
    • The specific date, site for the World Final and the nomination from Country Finals to World Final can vary between the years. (See the specific competition details for each year).
    • The World Final will be held in Malmö, Sweden on the 9th of November in 2024.

Game Rules

  • All games, qualifications as well as finals, have a game time of 90 minutes.
  • The teams are allowed to try any cell they want as many times they want, as long as the cell is not occupied by other teams.
  • All teams should be polite and behave in an orderly way.
  • If a team is leaving a cell and another team is waiting to try it, the new team always has priority. A team is not allowed to immediately try a second try in a cell if another team is waiting.
  • It’s not allowed to behave badly towards other teams by mocking them, shouting or using foul words.
  • It’s not allowed to leave a team member in a cell before the cell is started. The team should always enter a cell together at the start.
  • It’s not allowed to intentionally stay in a cell after the end of time to be able to damage for the next team trying the cell.
  • It’s not allowed to bring any equipment in the cells during a game, such as mobile phones, calculators, flash lights, watches, pen and paper etc.. This might lead to disqualification.
  • It’s not allowed to help another team in any way, by giving hints or solutions to a cell or challenge.
    If a team is found cheating or breaking any of the other game rules it will be warned or immediately disqualified. Actions leading to direct disqualification are among others:
    • Leaving team members in a cell before starting it
    • Using electronic devices such as mobile phones, calculators, flashlights etc.
    • Covering motion detectors
    • Using brute force and damaging equipment.
    • Helping other teams.
  • If a cell is malfunctioning during the competitive event, the teams should notify the game officials who will do their best to repair. If this is not possible and the staff considers that this is severely influencing game results a manual adjustment can be done according to:
    • Local Try-outs:
      See local rules.
    • All finals:
      The staff can decide to remove the points for the malfunctioning cell from all the teams participating in the final.

2024 World Cup specific conditions

  • Local Tryouts are set to 1 March to 15 September
  • Country Finals take place 12 October – 20 October. Exact dates for each country final will be published on the web.
  • World Finals take place on 9 November. Qualified to the World Final are the best two teams from each Country Final.
  • The World Finals is held at Malmö, Sweden in 2024.

2024 World Cup financial compensation

A team that is promoted to the COUNTRY FINAL and/or the WORLD FINAL can apply for financial support for the travels to the specific site where the event is held. To get travel compensation the following apply:

  • Fill out the form that will be provided in the invitation for the Country Finals and the same applies for the World Final. OBS: Only this form will be processed. There are no other ways of seeking travel compensation.
  • Travel compensation can only be applied for after the travel is done.
  • With the exception of traveling with your own car, travel compensation can only be awarded for costs specified by receipts.
  • There is no travel compensation awarded for the LOCAL TRY-OUTS.
  • Only participating teams can apply for travel compensation. It can not be used for family and friends.
  • To be able to receive travel compensation, the forms to apply for travel compensation must be submitted at the latest 20th of December 2024. After that, no travel compensation can be granted.
Table of contents

Stage 3

World final

World Finals take place 9 November. Qualified to the World Final are the best two teams from each Country Final. The World Finals will be held at Prison Island in Malmo, Sweden. 

If an invited team does not want to participate in the Final, the second best in order will be invited. If that team is not coming either, the next in order will be invited, etc.

Stage 2

Country finals

The best teams from the Local Try-outs are invited to participate in the Country Final where the best teams in the country are nominated and awarded. If an invited team from a local site, not want to participate in the Final, the second best in order will be invited. If that team is not coming either, the next in order will be invited, etc.

Country Finals take place 5 October – 20 October. Exact dates for each Country Finals will be published on this website as it approaches.

Stage 2

Local finals

The best teams from the Local Try-outs are invited to participate in the Country Final where the best teams in the country are nominated and awarded. If an invited team from a local site, not want to participate in the Final, the second best in order will be invited. If that team is not coming either, the next in order will be invited, etc.

Country Finals take place 12 October – 20 October. Exact dates for each Country Finals will be published on this website as it approaches.

Stage 1

Local try-outs

Local Try-outs are set from 1st of March to 30th of September. The opening hours and available time slots for try-outs are decided locally. A team that wants to make a try-out for the World Cup should make a standard time slot reservation and register locally. Available time slots will be advertised locally. Specific rules for the tryouts can vary between the sites. The best teams from the try-outs are qualified to the Country Finals.